0fSPECIAL BOOT PARAMETERS - VARIOUS HARDWARE07 09F507 You can use the following boot parameters at the 0fboot:07 prompt, in combination with the boot method (see <09F307>). If you use hex numbers you have to use the 0x prefix (e.g., 0x300). 0f HARDWARE PARAMETER TO SPECIFY07 IBM PS/1 or ValuePoint (IDE disk) 0fhd=0bcylinders0f,0bheads0f,0bsectors07 Some IBM ThinkPads 0ffloppy=thinkpad07 IBM Pentium Microchannel 0fmca-pentium no-hlt07 Protect I/O port regions 0freserve=0biobase0f,0bextent07[0f,0b...07] Workaround faulty FPU (old machines) 0fno38707 Laptops with screen display problems 0fvga=77107 If your system hangs when booting, and the last message you see is "aec671x-detect..", try 0fgdth=disable:y07 If you experience lockups or other hardware failures, disable buggy APIC interrupt routing 0fnoapic nolapic07 For example: boot: live vga=771 noapic nolapic Press F1control and F then 1 for the help index, or ENTER to